A lifestyle blog. Sort of.

I’m a millennial – but an old one ungraciously straddling the eras of both dial-up internet and courgetti-spaghetti. I may not have a trendy Chelsea accent or completely understand what Pokemon Go is, but I do ok.

This is, I suppose, a lifestyle blog of sorts. Here I chronicle my own attempts at living an unashamedly ordinary life in an increasingly absurd world of instagram, mankinis and green juice.

If you’re the kind of person who pays for a gym membership you never use, couldn’t care less if your parenting has a ‘style’ or fears wearing lycra in public as much as I do, welcome. This website’s for you.

A brief history.

The mid 80's

Born into a world of shoulder pads and Findus crispy pancakes. Enough said.

The early 90's

Went to a small CofE primary school where I refined my culinary prowess by eating playdough and monster munch.

The late 90's

Embraced the lightening speeds of dial-up internet. Did the whole vegetarian thing, badly. Toured Europe in my school orchestra and discovered I liked ‘foreigners’. Failed A-level biology. Continued to eat monster munch.

The early 00's

Trundled off to University and sat on beanbags eating pasta and getting high on UmBongo. Wrote music, thought minidiscs were crap and started using some new age thing called iTunes. Learnt that making lasagne wins you friends.

The late 00's

Got sick and had to leave Uni. Life sucked for a bit. Surprised to discover food had made me ill. More surprised to discover food could make me better again. For some bizarre reason decided to become a Nutritionist.

The early 10's

Packed my Thomas the Tank satchel and matching lunch box and became a student again. Wore a white coat and blew things up in a laboratory because that’s what academics do. Finally got to wear a mortar board.

The now

Word-obsessed foodie-type that owns a nutrition business and runs a website. Takes photos of edible things. Obsessed with coffee, Nigella Lawson and fonts; not necessarily in that order.