28 September 18
Josef Salvat – Shoot & Run
Josef Salvat - There's more to Australian music than Kylie and Sia.
04 July 18
Is sourdough bread easier to digest?
Sourdough. It's fermented and trendy but is it any easier to digest?
25 June 18
OPINION: Rise of the #evidence-based celebrity bashers
In the game of modern nutrition celebrity-bashing is a dangerous tactic.
12 June 18
Gluten sensitive or just seriously annoying?
Is it really possible to be sensitive to gluten without being a coeliac?
05 June 18
REVIEW: The Wild Rabbit, Kingham
I was a tad apprehensive about returning to what had last year become my all-time favourite restaurant. Could the Wild Rabbit live up to expectations?
31 May 18
Welcome to my blog. Now hand me my cake.
Chris Maddison. Eater of food. Writer of words. Creator of things. Welcome to my blog. It's been a long time coming.
29 May 18
The Boxer Rebellion: Firework
The book that sparked my passion for food, Nigellissima is a celebration of the Anglo-Italian love-affair.